Friday, April 17, 2009


Sorry that I don't have many from Easter but I have been a very busy girl. Let's see Ashlynn was sick, had other family drama, cooking for 2 days, Jeremy wanting pictures taken, getting Jeremy ready for prom and more family drama...... sigh! Last week it just kept coming and coming. It was one of those weeks!!! Our dinner was very yummy though. I cooked: Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Corn, Rolls, Manderin Salad, Deviled Eggs, Pineapple, Apple Pie, Homemade Carrot Cake and a very yummy Peanut Butter Pie!! Oh my, all of this food for 5 people. Oh well, it was worth it.

The kids coloring eggs!

All done!

Easter morning.... with all the goodies!!

3 Krew Komments:

Anonymous said...

All those yummy treats for two sweet little ones. Way to go Ben and ASh LOVE Grammy

Jennifer said...

I always go overboard.... you'd think I had 10 with so much

Allana Martian said...

I'm SO behind in checking blogs! Happy Easter! Wish I could have been there to help you cook. And EAT!